School Board Minutes of Regular Meeting September 2008

September 10, 2008 / Minutes of Regular Meeting Marlow School Board John D. Perkins School / 7:30 p.m.

Present:    Joseph Scharf, Chair Stephanie Tickner, Board Member Nancy Tomasko, Board Member Marcia Levesque, Board Member Phyllis Peterson, Principal Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools Timothy Ruehr, Business AdIninistrator for Towns - arrived @ 8: 10 Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary -arrived @ 8:10

Call to Order

    Mr. Scharf called the School Board meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

    A motion was made by Ms. Tomasko to approve the board minutes of June 11, 2008 (R). Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups


Bills and Manifests

    A motion was made by Ms. Tomasko to approve the bills andmnanifests (cks # 5001264­5001482) in the amount of$31,094.56. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

Financial Report

    Mr. Ruehr presented the financial report showing a net available balance of $194,083 as of June 30, 2008. Mr. Ruehr informed the Board that the financial report reflects the end of the last school year. He shared that we received an additional tuition over the summer and that there was a big change in building services due to end of the year projects and electrical work. Mr. Ruehr stated that $75,000 was put into the capital reserve fund and $120,000 will be returned back to taxes.

    Mr. Ruehr updated the Board on the problems that arouse with the water and the contaminants that were found. He shared that recent tests show that the water was fine but he stated that we have to be diligent by testing the PH levels every two weeks. Mr. Ruehr informed the Board that after 6 months of normal water readings, the school may be off the watch list.

    Approve 2009-2010 Proposed Budget Schedule -A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the 2009-2010 Proposed Budget Schedule. Ms. Tomasko seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.



        Ms. Peterson presented her principal's report. She updated the Board on the elegant painting in the multi-purpose room that was done by Ms. Tickner. Ms. Peterson also shared that she has been looking for a propane company that will deliver to Marlow and will allow the purchase of a tank instead of leasing one. Ms. Levesque asked Ms. Peterson about tables for the cafeteria. Ms. Peterson replied that tables would be purchased from the REAP Grant.


        Mr. Woolridge informed the Board that there would be a New Board Member Orientation held on September 22, 2008 and the next Budget Advisory Meeting will be held on October 27, 2008, for which one representative from the Board will be needed.

        School Board Members

        Mr. Scharf shared with the Board that a letter was received from Leah Giles requesting that her position be increased from 80% to a 100% position. Discussion ensued. Mr. Scharf also shared a letter that was received from Diane Langlois requesting that her position be decreased from 100% to 90%. Discussion ensued. Mr. Scharf recommended that the Board discuss these matters further during non-public session.

        Mr. Scharf recommended to Ms. Peterson that she schedule one day a week that she will be in the school. That way, people and staff will know when she will be in the building and will able to schedule appointments/meeting with her. Ms. Peterson shared that she schedules her own appointments and plans them on the days that she is in the building.

S.A.U. 29 Committees

        Previously discussed

Old Business



New Business

        Community Use and Rental of School Facilities Policy #3002, Review

        No action taken.


        Mr. Scharf requested a middle school presentation from students

Future Agendas

    November - Status of Students at KHS

Non-Public Session - R.S.A. 91-A:3

    A motion was made by Mr. Scharf that the Board move into non-public session at 8:27 p.m. under the provisions of R.S.A. 91-A:3 to discuss staff and student personnel. Ms. Tomasko seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. Accompanying the Board were Mr. Woolridge and Ms. Peterson.

    Mr. Scharf made a motion for the Board to return to open session at 8:42 p.m. All in favor 4-0.


    The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne Woolridge & Jill Wdowiak
Recording Secretary