Parent-Student Handbook

John D. Perkins, Sr.
Elementary School
Parent ‑ Student


School Philosophy

The John D. Perkins Elementary School provides a safe and respectful learning environment where all individuals in the educational community will promote and guide challenging learning opportunities to educate the whole child.


Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Staff
Why We Have Rules
Marlow School Board
SAU #29 Administration
School Staff
Daily School Schedule
Early Dismissal
Weather Emergencies.
Registration Forms
Phones Calls to the School
Attendance and Absences
School Lunch
Progress Reports
School Materials
Publication of Student Names and Pictures
Security at School
School Programs
Dress Code
School Rules
Bus Regulations
Disciplinary Consequences
Evacuation Crisis Plan
Tragedy in the Community

Welcome back to the John D. Perkins, Sr. Elementary School for the 2013-2014 school year. 
Below are procedures and information that pertain to everyday school operations.


The Marlow School District does not discriminate in the administration of its admissions and educational programs, activities or employment practice on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation or marital status.  If you think there is a problem please contact: The Title IX Coordinator: Tim Ruehr, Interim Director of Human Resources, SAU 29, 34 West St., Keene, NH 03431 or or The Section 504 Coordinator: Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent, SAU 29, 193 Maple Ave., Keene, NH 03431 or  HYPERLINK ""

1.    Each student and staff member has the right to work and learn in an environment that is caring, supportive, and respectful.
2.    Each student and staff member has the right to be physically safe and free from insulting, disrespectful, or hurtful treatment from others.


1.    Everyone needs to be thoughtful about and responsible for his/her own actions.
2.    Everyone needs to show respect for all individuals, including members of our school community, through speech, actions, behavior, and clothing.
3.    Everyone needs to be responsible for their own work, workspace, books, and materials.

1.    Each student and staff member in the school has specific rights and responsibilities.  Our rules are designed to protect those rights and emphasize those responsibilities.
2.    Our rules are also created to protect school property and materials for present and future students and staff.


Ms. Marcia Levesque, Chair
Ms. Karen Asseng
Ms. Candice Wiggum
Mr. Ty Tomasko


Mr. Wayne Woolridge, Superintendent
Mr. Reuben Duncan, Assistant Superintendent of Towns/Director of Curriculum & Assessment



Principal  & Special Ed Teacher Walter Huston
Kindergarten - Katharine Boivin
Grades 1&2 - Kelly Snair
Grades 3&4 - Leah Giles
Grades 5&6 - Susan Brabec
Classroom Aide - Dawn Elliott
Classroom - Kathy Peets
Special Education Aide - Emma Dupaul
Secretary and Food Service Coordinator - Alice Scharf
Art - Rebecca LaQuerre
Language/Speech Specialist - Simone Perry
Library and Media Services - Jennifer Brown
Music/Band - Matthew Hunter
Physical Education - Michelle Tiani
School Counselor - Becky Kohler
School Nurse - Patricia Woodruff
Spanish - OPEN
Title I - Linda Rabel

School will be open to children at 8:30am when the bus arrives. Students are not to be dropped off at school before 8:30am. Students report to class at 8:45am when dismissed from the lunchroom.  Students are dismissed to the bus at 3:05pm if the bus has arrived. If the bus has not arrived, only those students who have rides waiting will be dismissed. Please be advised that the bus driver will not drop off any student at a bus stop other than his/her own bus stop without prior written authorization from a parent/guardian. It is unsafe for children to walk or ride a bike to school down a state highway such as Route 10.

In the event a student needs to leave school before his or her dismissal time, the following procedure should be adhered to:

1.    The student’s parent or guardian will send a note or call the school to inform the staff that their child will be leaving school early.
2.    A student will be released to someone other than the child’s parent or guardian, only under the following circumstances.
       a.    the person has been designated in a note concerning the early dismissal, or
       b.    the person has been listed on the back of the registration card at the school authorizing them to do so.
3.    The parent, guardian, or designated person must inform the staff before departing with the child.
4.    Children being released due to illness may be asked to sit in a chair outside the office, in which case the person picking up the child will first report to the    office staff.
5.    In the event of a situation involving legalities that prevent a child from coming in contact with any person or persons, written notice is to be given to the teacher and principal by the legal guardian concerning legal custody and restrictions, along with whatever legal documents are available.                                                      

When inclement weather is expected, you should listen to a local radio station, such as WKNE 1290AM/104 FM, WKBK 1220 AM, or Channel 9 TV  for school cancellations.  We will attempt to notify parents if, for some reason, school is to be closed early.

Parents should assure that children are prepared to participate in outside recess.  Winter dress should include hat, mittens or gloves.  Snow pants and boots must be worn when children expect to play in the snow.  Winter boots should be for outside use only.  Other appropriate footwear should be provided for indoor use.  Articles of clothing should be marked with the student’s name for easy identification.

Please make sure you fill out the Enrollment Verification Form included with this manual and return it promptly.  This information will be largely used for emergency situations.  Without this information, in an emergency, decisions may not be made because family permission is not available.  You should be sure to have the staff at the school update information on your child’s information sheet if you have a change of employment or residence during the year.  Make sure you designate on the Enrollment Form all persons who are allowed to pick up your child.

All instructions and materials should be given to your child before he/she leaves for school.    Normally, teachers are available to speak with parents by prior arrangement from 8:30 to 8:45 in the morning and 3:05 to 3:30 after school.  Phone messages received during the day will be conveyed to voice mail.  The regular school phone number is 446‑3307.  Our fax line is 446‑7323.  

We encourage good attendance and punctual arrival at the John D. Perkins, Sr. School.  When your child must be absent, please make every effort to call the school to assure your child’s safety.  If your child is not in school and we have not been notified, we will attempt to call you.  However, such calls require staff time and detract from our educational goals.  Children arriving after 8:45am will be reported as tardy.  Children being dismissed before 3:05pm will be reported as dismissed early.

The John D. Perkins, Sr. Elementary School serves a nutritious breakfast and lunch every school day.  Students may purchase breakfast for $1.35, reduced $.30, lunch for $2.55 per day, reduced $.40, and lunch milk, snack milk, and juice for $.50 per day. Adults may purchase lunch for $3.25.  Payment is due prior to the beginning of the month.   We order lunches a week in advance.  We will not make change; a credit will be issued instead.  It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure that a child is able to purchase school lunch or that their child brings a nutritious lunch to school. Microwave services are not available for student lunches.  Please see the lunch program attachment for information pertaining to free and reduced lunches.  Free and reduced breakfast and lunch is available to qualifying families at any time during the school year and acceptance is completely confidential through the Keene Lunch Program.  

Report cards will be sent home three times a year.   Notification of consideration of possible retention will be given by April 15th if necessary.  We encourage you to be in regular contact with us so that you are aware of your child’s progress.  Parent conferences are held in the fall for all grades.  Other conferences are scheduled as needed at a mutually convenient time.

Children are responsible for textbooks and other materials issued to them. Parents are expected to pay for lost textbooks, library books, workbooks or any damage to school property.

Student accident insurance is available. Information is available in the school office. Our school nurse has information about Healthy Kids Insurance.

Periodically N.H. School Administrative Unit 29 publishes printed material, prepares power point presentations and updates websites that may use photographs of students in a classroom or school setting. Names and photos of students are used to celebrate achievement. If you do not want your child’s photo used, please indicate on your child’s registration form and if changes occur during the year, please contact the school.

Concerns over the safety of our students require us to make changes in the ways adults and children enter the school. The front door of the school will remain locked at all times.  A door bell has been placed at the front entrance for those who wish to enter.  People wishing to enter the school through the front door will be required to check in with the school secretary.  The door into the lunchroom will be open from 8:30 to 8:45am   Adults accompanying students into the lunchroom during those times do not require a pass.  Adults wishing to proceed further into the school from the lunchroom from 8:30am to 8:45am will require a visitor’s pass.  The lunchroom door will be locked at 8:45am.


The Marlow School District offers full day kindergarten.  The kindergarten program runs from 8:45am - 3:05pm.

The guidance program includes many components. Classroom units are an integral part of the program, focusing on topics such as social skills, problem solving, conflict resolution, decision making and personal safety. Another component of the program includes both individual and small group counseling. The counselor is available to consult with parents and teachers about educational and/or emotional concerns of the students. When issues arise which go beyond the scope of the school, the guidance counselor will discuss with parents available community resources which may be helpful. .

In order to provide success for all students, it may be necessary to provide additional help to some children. Classroom teachers, parents and specialists may decide to meet, as needed, to help learners who are having difficulty. Sometimes additional information is needed to help plan for successful learning. The teachers, parents and specialists plan what information is required and provide additional support for a student. This can include a wide variety of materials, activities, programs and interventions. It is the policy of the John D. Perkins, Sr. School to work together with parents to plan for children in need of extra help and to provide programming appropriate to their needs. Parents and teachers may refer a student to the Student Support Team that meets the 1st Friday of each month for a child study.

The John D. Perkins School employs a School Nurse. She is available as a resource person for health counseling and parent and teacher conferences. She is also responsible for personal hygiene reinforcement, health education, referrals, maintenance of student health records and annual health appraisals including vision/hearing, height/weight measurements, Scoliosis screening, 4th grade physicals and lice checks (which are done at the beginning of each school year and periodically during the year). She also insures that NH State Health regulations (laws) and John D. Perkins Health Policies are enforced.


Any student who is required to take any medication prescribed by a physician during the school day shall be assisted by the School Nurse or another member of the school staff so designated by the principal.  Parents are required to provide the school with the prescription, or a signed statement from the physician detailing the medication, and written authorization from the parent for the staff to administer the medication.  For those instances when parents wish their child to take other medication, such as cough drops, written authorization from the parent is required.

In order to protect the children and school from contracting lice from other students or adults, we will be requiring that  children who have nits or live lice stay home until they are nit/lice free.  We are also requiring that parents/guardians must bring their children back to school to be readmitted, i.e., students would not be able to ride the bus until lice free to prevent the spread of lice. Those students will then be screened directly upon entry to the building with their parents or guardians present.  Please contact the school if you suspect your child has come into contact with lice from any source.  The school conducts periodic checks, but your help with regular checks at home will assure minimal problems at school.

Students are expected to dress appropriately.
Pants must be secured at the waist. Display of undergarments will not be tolerated.
Excessive midriff exposure is not permitted.
Short shorts are inappropriate.
Flip-flops are not permitted.
Clothing displaying controlled substances or inappropriate language or subjects is not permitted.
Every effort will be made to contact you if your child’s clothing is deemed unacceptable.
No hats or coats are to be worn inside the school.


1.    Behavior that disrupts any educational process at school is not allowed.
2.    Behavior that threatens the safety or well‑being of any individual, including oneself is not allowed.   Running in the school building is considered to be a dangerous activity.
3.    Destruction of property is prohibited.
4.    Children will be held accountable for their own property.  Their desks and immediate floor areas will be left in a clean and neat condition at the end of the day.  Coats, hats, lunches and other personal property will be stored in the appropriate areas in an appropriate manner during the school day.
5.    Foul or abusive language or behavior is prohibited
6.    Gum is prohibited at school.  
7.    Weapons on school premises or in connection with school activities may lead to dangerous and violent behavior and will not be tolerated.  Marlow School District Policy #2110, #2071, and various state and federal laws provide for substantial sanctions for the possession of weapons, including mandatory suspension or expulsion from school and the filling of a report to applicable police authorities.  A copy of policy #2110, #2071, and/or related laws pertaining to weapons and violence on school premises is available from the Superintendent’s Office.
8.    Sexual harassment of employees or students is illegal under both state and federal law and is expressly prohibited by Marlow School Board policy #2065/#5052.  A copy of that policy is available from the Superintendent’s Office.
9.    As per RSA 193‑B, school property is a drug‑free zone.  Persons bringing controlled substances on the property are subject to the penalties outlined in RSA 318‑B:26.V.  Smoking is not permitted on school property at any time.  
10.    Electronic devices such as cell phones, CD players, MP3, games, listening and recording equipment are not permitted to be used at school.  Headsets and earphones are allowed on the bus, and on fieldtrips only with prior permission of the supervising teacher.      
11.    Students may not sell items or services at school without the permission of the staff and the knowledge of their parents or guardians.  Students may not receive money or items from other students for any reason without the permission of the staff and the knowledge of their parents or guardians.
12.    Substances that are considered to be unsafe or disruptive by the staff will be confiscated.
13.    The school is committed to providing a safe school environment in which the members of the school community are treated with respect.  “Bullying” interferes with this proper school environment.  Accordingly, the school follows a procedure intended to minimize and prevent bullying by dealing with such acts of verbal or physical abuse.  See Marlow School District Policy and Procedure #2064/5051.  A copy of that policy is available from the Superintendent’s Office.

1.    Obey boundaries and engage in safe play.
2.    Swings:
       a.    Sitting only, no flip over.
       b.    No twisting, sideways swinging, or jumping off or running through.
       c.    Objects of any kind should not be thrown at anyone on the swings or from the swings.
3.    Slides:
       a.    One person at a time on the ladders and slide.
       b.    When using slides, sit forward with legs extended.
       c.    Use the ladders only to climb.
4.    The only things that can be thrown on the playground are sports equipment designed to be thrown.
5.    No kicking balls on the tar without the expressed permission of the teacher on duty.
6.    Foul or abusive language or behavior is prohibited.
7.    No more than five students on the rainbow climber.  No hanging upside down on the climber.
8.    No child is allowed to leave the playground without permission from the duty teacher.
       a.    Students may not enter the building for any reason from the playground without permission.
       b.    Students may not go in front of the school for any reason without permission.
9.    Special Castle Rules:
       a.    Nothing is to be taken into the castle and throwing anything from the castle is prohibited.
       b.    Jumping from the castle is prohibited.
       c.    Climbing on the outside of the castle is prohibited.
10.  Special Structure Rules:
       a.    Running is not permitted on the structure.
       b.    Benches are for sitting only.
       c.    No objects are to be dropped or thrown over the side from above or below.
       d.    Duty teacher may limit a student’s access to the any equipment.
11.  The observation tower is not part of the regular school playground.
12.  No rocks are to be moved onto the grass area.
13.  Students are expected to line up in an orderly fashion when the bell is rung.


Students living outside the walking limits to school are granted the privilege of riding the school buses to and from school. In order to maintain a safe, efficient and orderly means of transportation, students must choose to display acceptable behavior.

Requests for students to get off the bus at bus stops other than their own must be requested in writing by the parent/guardian.  
1.    The school bus driver is in complete charge of the bus and the pupils. The bus driver has the same authority in maintaining discipline as a teacher in the classroom.
2.    Pupils must be at their designated bus stops five (5) minutes prior to the pickup time. Schedules do not allow waiting for late students.
3.    Permission to get off at a stop that is not the student’s regular stop shall follow individual school policy.
4.    All pupils must remain properly seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and the eight way lights are activated.
5.    Emergency exits are to be used for emergency drills twice a calendar year and emergency situations only.
6.    Pupils shall hold onto the rail when loading and unloading.
7.    Student may bring acceptable items on the bus only if the item can be held in the student’s lap.
8.    Skateboards, skis, rollerblades, animals, glass containers, nuisance items, and other objects of injurious or objectionable nature are prohibited on the school bus. Articles not allowed in the school are also prohibited.
9.    Student(s) who are confronted by the bus driver for unacceptable behavior shall provide the driver with their name. Failure to do so may result in suspension from riding the bus for up to three (3) days.
10.    The bus driver is authorized to assign seats whenever necessary.
11.    Students shall not be destructive of the school bus seats, sidewalls, floors, and/or windows, nor shall they tamper with any other bus equipment. The cost of any intentional damage will be the responsibility of the student/parent. Destruction of First Student property will result in a five-day mandatory suspension from the bus and student will remain off all First Student Transportation until such time as a suitable payment agreement can be met.
12.    While classroom voice between students is permitted, loud, vulgar, obscene and improper language or gestures will not be tolerated on the bus.
13.    Pupils will refrain from throwing things in the windows, out the windows or around the inside of the bus. Trash will be placed in receptacles on the bus (NO LITTERING).
14.    Eating and drinking are not allowed on the bus.
15.    Smoking, Smokeless Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug use and the use of lighters or matches are forbidden.
16.    No spraying of perfumes, deodorants, hairspray, air fresheners, etc. is allowed on the bus.
17.    Fighting, pushing, tripping, bullying, or spitting will not be tolerated.
18.    Any other behavior relating to the safety, well-being and respect for others in a harmful, destructive or degrading manner is not acceptable.

There may be circumstances that could result in immediate suspension from the bus. If this should happen parent/guardian shall be responsible for providing transportation. First Student  Education Services


Playground safety infractions will normally be corrected by restricting the student on the playground for the balance of the recess.  Repeat offenders will be restricted for longer periods of time.  The playground duty teacher will use discretion in determining the seriousness of the infraction and will decide the duration of the restriction.

Students involved in fights will be referred to the principal immediately.  Students involved in fights will be disciplined without warning, which may include suspension from school.  The nature of the punishment will vary depending upon the seriousness of the situation at the principal’s discretion.
Consequences for violation of rules that lead to a disruption of learning or teaching will be at the discretion of the teacher:  Students will follow the rules of their classroom.

1.    Students could be suspended immediately from school for the following reasons:
       a.    Uncontrollable aggression or violent behavior.
       b.    Refusal to obey the reasonable requests of a teacher.
       c.    Serious vandalism.
       d.    Continuing refusal to comply with the rules after misbehavior requiring a parent conference.
       e.    Gross misconduct.
2.    Safety violations will be handled at the discretion of the supervising staff member.
3.   There may be circumstances that could result in immediate suspension from the bus, such disciplinary action to be at the discretion of the appropriate school administrator or bus company coordinator.  Generally, the following procedure will be used:

The first refusal to comply with the bus regulations will result in a written warning.

The second offense will result in a one day (1) suspension from riding the bus.
The third offense will result in a three-day (3) suspension from the bus.
A fourth offense will result in a five-day (5) suspension from riding the bus.
A fifth offense will result in a six-day (6) suspension from riding the bus.
For each successive offense, one (1) day will be added to the prior offense.
As the result of a serious offense, an indefinite suspension from the bus will be implemented.  
A copy of the letter will be mailed to the parents, one sent home with the student and a copy sent to the bus company.

When a student has been suspended, the district will not be responsible for providing transportation.
Rights of students and parents regarding bus transportation can be found in Marlow School District Policy #2085, which is available at the Superintendent’s office.

When the alarm sounds: Students in and around the office and teachers’ room area will move to the teachers’ parking lot via the front door.  Students in grades 3 and 4 will move to the teachers’ parking lot via the outside exit door in the library.  Students in grade K-2 will move to the tar area of the playground via the classroom door to the computer room and the exit door in grades 5 and 6.  Students in grades 5 and 6 will move to the tar area of the playground via the classroom exit door. Students in SPED, the lunchroom, the bathrooms, and any other area not cited will move to the tar area on the playground via the exit doors in the multipurpose room.

The school secretary and principal will stay behind and check the bathrooms on the way out of the building.  All teachers shall take a class roster and attendance will be taken once outside the building.

Action to be taken in a crisis:  Types of emergencies where students have to be removed from the property:
    1. Bomb threat.
    2. Building failure.
    3. Hostage/assault by intruders, etc.

Procedure to be posted at all phones
Call 911 ‑ Principal responsible, if not principal, then Secretary, then classroom teachers on the order of the number of aides in the room.  Person calling tells the 911 where we are taking students.
Fire alarm is pulled ‑ Principal or Secretary.
An enrollment sheet with emergency numbers will be produced for all staff and posted in their classrooms and throughout the school along with basic first aid kits. The emergency numbers and first aid kit is taken during evacuation drills and in emergencies.
All students meet at ball field dugouts – attendance is taken. An alternate plan may be executed as needed. Emergency volunteers may deem it necessary to relocate students and staff to a town building.
Person in charge designates someone to call parents. Students can be released to only parents, guardians and parent designees in a crisis. The signature of a parent or guardian will be required at time of release.


First person to hear of the tragedy contacts the principal.

If a tragedy happens before school, the principal will call an emergency meeting of the staff as soon as practical.

After the event, the principal will arrange for the services of the SAU 29 School Critical Incident Behavior Health Support Team.  The SAU 29 district-wide School Critical Incident Behavioral Health Support Team is formed of counselors, nurses and school psychologists from all the district schools.  The SCIBHST members are trained to provide emotional and educational support to students, teachers and other members of the school community in the event of a crisis or disaster affecting any of our schools.  The team always works under the direction of the building administrator, offering its particular skills in identifying and reducing the traumatic effects of stress.  Crises can include a range of events such as a school bus accident, the death of someone in the school community, a chemical spill, flooding and violence.  The SCIBHST does not offer therapy.  Its goals are to lessen the impact of crises, promote the normal processes of recovery, and assist with individual and group coping. All crisis response plans include procedures for notifying and informing parents about a critical incident. The team is trained to recognize and respect the different needs and coping styles of children of different ages and backgrounds.  Some children need to talk when upset; others prefer to listen.  Some choose art as a means of communication.

The SAU 29 School Critical Incident Behavior Health Support Team will advise the principal and staff how to proceed.

In the event that a tragedy happens in the community during  school and there is a likelihood that our students will be informed of the tragedy on the bus by older students, parents will be notified and will have the option of picking their children up from school.