May 2012 Select Board Minutes

May 7, 2012
Attendees: Ed Tomas, Tom Fuschetto,Bob Allen,Jacqui Fay

Selectmen signed a revised  check manifest for 4/30/12 for $109,333.93.

Selectmen signed check manifest for 1 May 2012 in the amount of $91.10.

Selectmen signed check manifest for  7 May 2012in the amount of $9,051.54 .

Selectmen reviewed and sign minutes from meeting of 30 March 2012.

See letter dated April 30 from NRRA membership certificate

Selectmen reviewed 2011 Dwelling Unit Survey

Selectmen reviewed and signed website services agreement.

Selectmen reviewed and filed letter dated April 30 from the Community Kitchen.

See letter dated April 30 from NHDRA.

Selectmen approved write-off request from Comstar.

Selectmen approved Expense Claim from Ken Avery.

Selectmen reviewed and Signed EMPG Grant.

Selectmen reviewed draft Fire Hydrant easement for 407-025

Selectmen review and sign contract with TMC Environmental for the clean up @the Fire station.

Selectmen reviewed and approved Review raffle permit application from Marlow Historical Society Raffel to be held @ the Odd Fellows.

Selectmen reviewed ambulance reports for April.

Selectmen signed transfer from savings to checking for $25,000.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30pm 

May 14, 2012

Attendees: Ed Thomas, Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen, Jacqui Fay.

Signed check manifest in the amount of $5,980.28.

Reviewed and signed minutes from meeting of 7 May 2012.

Selectmen completed Timber Tax Assessment Worksheet.

Selectmen reviewed and processed Notice of Intent to Cut for Map 411 Lot 013.

Selectmen discussed contaminated soil excavation outside Fire Dept to start this Wednesday and finish Thursday.  Paving to be done Monday.  Steve Low checking when vehicles will be allowed back on the paving.

Selectmen discussed progress on the update of the Master Plan.

Selectmen reviewed potential ‘Peddlers & Hawkers Ordinance’.

Selectmen signed reminder letters ref Report of Wood and Timber Cut.

Discuss date for design meeting with Virtual Town Hall ref website.

Selectmen signed PO for the Highway dept in the amount of $162.01 to Chappell Tractor.

Selectmen approved to give permission to use upstairs of Jones Hall on 28 June at 6pm for a Library program in case it rains.  

Selectmen approved mileage for Deputy EMD to attend EMD’s meeting.

Hazard Mitigation Meeting May 18 at 6:00pm.

Meeting adjourned @ 11:30pm.
May 21, 2012

Attendees: Ed Thomas, Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen, Jacqui Fay.

Signed check manifest in the amount of $6872.96.

Reviewed and signed minutes from meeting of 14 May 2012.

Selectmen met with Loretta Loring Marlow Ambulance and Jeff Tassi from Comstar [our Ambulance billing company] to review progress and review options as we move foreword.

Selectmen signed EMPG grant application for the highway dept radios

Selectmen updated on the abatement of contaminated soils at the Fire Station

-ECS Marin has confirmed that all abatement work will be covered by the State at no cost to the town.

-Work consisted of removal of 12 loads of contaminated soil and 10,000gals of ground water

- A new monitoring well will be installed as well as the remaining undisturbed wells for future monitoring.

-Repaving will be completed as weather allows and will be paid for by the state

Selectmen signed the forest fire bill for reimbursement from the state for the event in Stoddard.

Selectmen discussed options for revitalizing the Marlow Citizens Corps.

Selectmen signed a Grant application from the State of NH dept of safety for a new Radio for the Marlow Police dept. Value of the equipment offered is $3,232.24

Selectmen competed Timber tax assement for M&L #403-004

Selectmen to meet with Virtual town hall next Tuesday to work on the web site design options

Selectmen reviewed and signed an agreement to have “Fast Roads”, the company working on installing Fiber optic cable along RT 10 thru town to extend their services to the Town building as part their Grant obligation.

Selectmen signed Bank Reconciliations.

Selectmen discussed the status of the Hazard Mitigation Grant opportunity to improve roads affected by the unusual Mud season.

Meeting adjourned @ 11:10pm.