December 2012 Select Board Minutes

December 3, 2012

 Attendees: Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen, Jacqui Fay
 Absent: Ed Thomas
 Attendance taken and a quorum declared
Selectmen reviewed and signed check manifest in the amount of $325,601.95 for 3 December 2012.
Selectmen received a complaint of the conditions of Marlow Hill and Musterfield Hts  roads due to recent freeze thaw cycles
 Selectmen reviewed and sign minutes from meeting of 26 November 2012.
Selectmen reviewed Fire Test and Inspections report from Monadnock Security.
Selectmen reviewed email from Ken Dassua ref Master Plan.
Review draft letter ref attendance of Selectmen at meetings.
Selectmen signed Transfer Station Coupon reconciliation.
Selectmen signed purchase orders for:
      -For tires for the Transfer station haul truck for $625.00
      -Batteries for the Fire truck in the amount of $225.00
      -Office equipment for 104.99
Selectmen reviewed letter dated November 23 from HHHCS, and filed for Budgeting process.
Received Cheshire County Commissioners Proposed Budget,
Selectmen reviewed list of acreage in contention.
Selectmen completed Post Operational Assessment Summary Sheet.
Selectmen signed transfer for $320,000 to checking.
Review photocopier RFP quotes due in by 12/10/12
Selectmen reviewed email from Vim Tingle – GIS Maintenance Plan.
Meeting adjourned @ 11pm

December 10, 2012

Attendees: Ed Thomas, Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen, Jacqui Fay

Attendance taken and a quorum was declared

Public hearing was held regarding the Richard Rock gift to the town for the Fire Department.
-Selectmen voted to accept the gift of $5,000.00 as unanticipated revenue.
-Selectmen presented a plan to set up a trust fund for building a new Fire Station.
- A recommendation was made that the funds be available in the event of any other purchases that would honor the legacy of Richard Rock.
-It was agreed that a trust fund should be established with these funds, in a way that allows for this purpose, and that approval from the Selectboard and in
consideration of recommendations of the Fire Chief be required to expend these funds

Signed check manifest in the amount of $8,935.55 for 10 December 2012.

Reviewed and signed minutes from meeting of 3 December 2012.

Dave Stewart came in to discuss whether a subdivision would be required to create separate taxable lots.

Selectmen reviewed Police Log.

Selectmen reviewed Photocopier quotes, more review required.

Selectmen signed 2 tax abatements for properties owned by the New Hampshire Housing authority in 2012.

Selectmen Signed Intent to Cut for Map 409 Lot 036.

See email dated December 10 from SWRPC ref Community Planning Grant.

Selectmen reviewed 2013 Maintenance Contract – Cartographics.

Selectmen reviewed email dated December 5 from Monica Blair re: water testing @ the Fire Station.

Selectmen signed Manatron agreement.

Selectmen reviewed dates for 2012 Car Control Program.

NHDRA Credit and Exemption class – Walpole Jan 10, 2013.

Selectmen discussed ambulance billing agreement with Comstar Bob Allen to contact Comstar.

Signed 2 PO’s for Fire Dept.

Meeting adjourned @ 11:50 pm
December 17, 2012

Selectmen signed check manifest in the amount $ 8,512.05 for 11 & 17 December 2012.

Reviewed and signed minutes from meeting of 10 December 2012.

Joe Feuer came in with Doug Stewart to discuss definitions of property Deeds and Tracts of land within a deed ref. RSA 674:39-aa

Selectmen reviewed equalization survey.

Selectmen reviewed bids for photocopier.

Selectmen reviewed letter dated December 3 from Ken Kozyra to Building Inspector ref Cell Tower.

Elizabeth Lufkin from NHBEM to visit Town Office at 11am.

Selectmen reviewed and filed Approval for Construction and letter from NHDES– Map 203 Lot 024.

Selectmen reviewed correspondence from ECS Marin.

Meeting adjourned @ 11:55