Perkins School Photo Gallery - School Grounds

Front of the school with Bald Mountain in the background.

Playground looking towards Bald Mountain.


Playground looking towards Bald Mountain before 2011 swings and seesaw.




Baseball field at the back of the playground. 


Rain barrel near observation deck.


Lupine in the school garden.


Tiny statue in the school garden.


School sign, purchased by the PTA. The polar bear is the school mascot, and the school colors are blue and white.


Outdoor classroom, built in 2011 by former Perkins School student, Ben Levesque, as his Eagle Scout project. 


Side view of Perkins School with the play structure before 2011 swings and seesaw.



Sandy Cunningham Garden and the observation deck near the pond.


Hiking/skiing/snowmobile trail behind the school, heading towards the pond.


View of the beaver pond from the observation tower.

Bench by the tower and beaver pond. "Rest, Reflect & Rejoice. Tower 2000"