March 2009 Select Board Minutes

Select Board Minutes March 2, 2009

Present: Dan Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye

 Ø    Check manifest signed in the amount of $3,642.79

 Ø    Mabel Willis came to make her monthly payment.

Ø    Jon Salo came to inquire about a building permit; he spoke with Mr. Lanier and arranged a time to meet.

Ø    Comments were forwarded to US Cell from town attorney, US Cell requested that the attorney make the changes and they would review them.

Ø    CLD consulting would like to evaluate the Lewis Bridge, filed.

 Ø    Erosion control workshop, $60 cost to register no one to attend.

 Ø    Minutes from 2/23/09 signed.

Ø    Innovative land use planning, forward to planning board.

 Ø    Current use application signed to bring map and lot file current for 411/04. Land is already in current use.

 Ø    Selectmen decided not to have LGC complete an audit complete a pay and classification audit of town positions, the audit would be 175 per position and the board wanted to focus on developing an employee policy.

Ø    Jacqui given authorization for mileage to the RCC meeting.

 Ø    Letter from Plodczik and Sanderson will be printed on town letter head and signed by the Chair of the Selectboard and Treasurer so that one year later we will hopefully get a report.

Ø    NRRA newsletter reviewed.

 Ø    DES drinking water protection workshop on May 1st, forwarded to health officer.

 Ø    Dave Smith again requested a check for $100 to reimburse for a donation. The selectmen again have no supporting documentation and can’t issue checks with no paper trail. Dave stated that the Fire Department could pay for the K-rations but they would be owned by and kept at the Fire Department.

 Ø    Unemployment compensation claims reviewed and filed.

 Ø    Selectmen signed a letter authorizing the disposal of all old radio equipment; Southwest Mutual Aid will take the equipment.

Ø    The selectmen would like to thank Donna Chase for her work and assistance with the compilation of the town report.

Ø    The Selectmen would also like to thank the Marlow Woman’s Society for their donation of a cot.
 Meeting adjourned 9pm.


Select Board Minutes March 9, 2009

Present: Dan Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye

Ø    Check manifest signed in the amount of $21,685.50

 Ø    Emile Piterak came to inquire of the Board a number of questions.  1.  Is it the policy of the board to not recommend any and all petitioned warrant articles?  The board does not have a policy of to reject any and all petitioned warrant articles.  The board would desire to see a break down of the funds that the community pays (salary, expenses, etc.)  Emile agreed to get the information.  Mr. Allen would like to see how much other towns pay.  Emile stressed that in these tough economic times there is no better deal in terms of price per meal for the Town than the community kitchen.  He is interested in working with the board to get them the information that they need to learn more and feel better about the community kitchen.

Ø    Jon Salo was told as a part of Emile’s question of denying petitioned warrant articles that the Agricultural Petition that was submitted didn’t establish number of members, length of term or how they get on the commission (elected or appointed) and that was why the board did not support it.  Jon explained that he wasn’t sure how much interest there would be and did not want to make the article too specific.  He saw the commission as a body that could be available on an as needed basis to help promote and educate local development and continuation of agriculture in Marlow.  Jon is worried about the conservation commission spending money outside of the town for conservation purposes, the selectmen stated that

Ø    Mr. and Mrs. Stearns have spoken with State Police and were told to speak with Dublin and Rindge and they were told that through the conservation commission authority can be given to bar certain activities that were not in the best interests of the lake or pond.  They would like us to contact Karen Bunch, selectperson of Dublin; information is on their website to contact her.  The people have been antagonistic, doing donuts in front of their house, profane actions and words.  They are tired the motorbikes as they are dirty, noisy and disruptive to their lives.  Selectmen will follow up with the Town of Dublin and LGC and see what the options for the Town are.  Because of their behavior they are looking for the activities to stop.  They are simply requesting the selectmen to engage in a fact finding mission.  Selectmen agreed to look into the situation but stated that before any decision would be made a public hearing would be held to the Town’s residents a chance to be heard if they desired to be heard.

Ø    PDIP signed in the amount of $50,000.

Ø    February’s account balance signed.

 Ø    February’s PDIP signed.

 Ø    Check number 26436 was added to the check register in the amount of $50,000 for the school payment.

Ø    FEMA training determining substantial damage and improvement to b e filed.

 Ø    MS-26 was reviewed.

 Ø    Current use application reviewed for Map 406 lot 22, 31.7 acres were listed as unproductive, a review of the tax card does not list that much excess waste for the property, selectmen returned the application with a copy of the unproductive land definition and requested the land owner to review that.

Ø    News release for executive counsel reviewed and filed.

 Ø    Letter signed to Plodzik and Sanderson in the hope that we will finally get the audit of 2007 completed.

Ø    Flood lines reviewed and filed.

Ø    Selectmen’s institute is coming up Mark to attend as he was bumped last year.

Ø    SWRPC newsletter reviewed.

Ø    Dan Kinson to contact Liz Thayer re: question on welfare.
Ø    Jacqui approved to go to training on new computer software that will be used when a POD is being set up.

 Ø    No one to attend the NHOAA classes.

 Ø    Census informational pamphlet reviewed and filed.

 Ø    Notice of public hearing from Antrim received and filed.

Ø    Letter from DES re: transfer station forwarded to Joe Feuer.

Ø    Legislative bulletins reviewed.

Ø    Governor reinstated the rooms and meals tax going back to the towns.

 Ø    There has been a recall on MREs and certain food items within them, if you have any of these items please feel free to contact our Health Officer for further information.

 Ø    Historical Society reserved Jones Hall May 15 at 7pm for the Hourglass Readers.

 Ø    NRRA publication reviewed.

Ø    Selectmen voted to post the roads effective immediately.

 Ø    Contract signed with Diluzio for paramedic intercepts and back up ambulance coverage.

Ø    Meeting adjourned 9:54pm.

Select Board Minutes March 16, 2009

Present: Dan Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye

Ø    Check manifest signed in the amount of $5,057.53.

Ø    Emile Piterak supplied the board with the remainder of the information requested.  Emile again extended an invitation to the board to come down and experience going through the line and getting a food box.

Ø    Ms. Stearns came with information that she had found.  She has found that the State has jurisdiction over the body of water and that she would need to go through her state legislator to address the issues of motorcycle racing on Stone Pond.  She wanted to know what she needed to do to get the Selectmen’s support to bring to the legislator.  The Selectmen responded that they would hold a public hearing prior to lending support.  Ms. Stearns stated that she has video and has sent the matter to State Police who referred her to Fish and Game who have jurisdiction.

Ø    On 582 Washington Pond Road there is leaking septic that is coming down the driveway, across the road and into the river.  The Health Officer will be notified and requested that she investigate.

 Ø    Ken Avery was called to the Transfer Station because there was a black bag used in the transfer station.  It was discussed that there should be a form letter that can be sent out.  Selectmen will request Joe Feuer to draft a letter that the Selectmen can use to send to people in these instances.

 Ø    Town Counsel has made changes to US Cellular agreement, to be forwarded to US Cellular.

Ø    Plodzick and Sanderson have finally submitted their audit to the Town along with another bill in the amount of $1770.  Selectmen will request to see if this is the final bill.

Ø    There will be a panel discussion on the 2008 ice storm, it will be held at Pappagallos and cost $20 per person, no one to attend.

Ø    NRCS Flood Prone Lands economic stimulus money will be posted.

 Ø    Letter signed to the Latosh’s re: current use categories.

Ø    DES is looking for the Board to recommend three people to be nominated for the Ashuelot River Committee; selectmen forwarded the request to the conservation commission for recommendations.

Ø    Cool Monadnock letter reviewed.

Ø    Letter from the Sheriff’s office re: WMD/All Hazards Community Partnership Training, to be posted.

Ø    Contract with Commerford Neider and Perkins will be reviewed next week.

Ø    Meeting adjourned at 9pm.


Select Board Minutes March 23, 2009

Present:  Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye

Ø    Check manifest signed in the amount of $4,656.16.

 Ø    The following Elected officials were sworn in

o      Jennifer Little as Treasurer

o      Elizabeth Thayer as Overseer of Welfare

o      Mary Blank as Trustee of the Trust Funds

o      Raymond J. Despres as Road Committee

o      Roxanne MacConnell as Cemetery Trustee

o      Geraldine Plotts as Cemetery Trustee

Ø    Mary Blank presented the board with a notice of the status of warrant articles 9 and 11

 Ø    Mary Blank presented a donation from Emerson & Ruth McCourt for $344.22 for the purpose of cleaning and preserving headstone,Selectmen voted to accept these funds.

Ø    US Cellular is reviewing a draft copy of the lease agreement as modified by our attorney.

Ø    Selectmen signed a contract for $12,500.00 with Cummerford Nieder Perkins,LLC for year three of our four year Cyclical Revaluation.

Ø    Selectmen voted to accept a check for $13,771.96 from FEMA for the 2008 Ice storm damage.

Ø    Selectmen reviewed appointed positions and will send out notices to the following departments for their recommendations.

 o      Fire dept.

o      Libarary

o      Budget committee

 Ø    Selectmen to have open appointed positions posted

Ø    Selectmen signed purchase order for the repair of the Ambulance radios for the amount of $600.00.

Ø    Selectmen approved milage  for Liz ,Jacqui and Jane to attend a RCC meeting in Keene.

Ø    Copy of MS 22 reviewed and filed

 Ø    Selectmen reviewed Legislative Bulletin #11 & #12

Ø    Selectmen reviewed comments from LGC on latest P&S statement.

Ø    Meeting adjourned 9:15pm

 Select Board Minutes March 30, 2009

Present:  Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye

Ø    Check manifest signed in the amount of $66,700.20.

 Ø    The following people were sworn in:

 §       Ken Avery-Police Chief

§       Jen Brown- Conservation

§       Tony Davis- Road Agent

§       Tom Foote- Fire Chief

§       Lyle Handy- Planning Board

§       Brian Fay- Conservation

§       Beth Lafreniere-Deputy Clerk

 Ø    Karl Berardi, Rural Fire Technician came with Tom Foote to discuss dry hydrants.  They are intending to map all of the water sites in town that are being used, would like to be used and may want to be defended for future use.  At the end of the study there would be recommendations on how to proceed.  This study is free.  If the town would like the company to design a hydrant for the Town it would cost the town $200.  The company tries to design hydrants that will be compliant with DES regulations.  Selectmen agreed to complete the study and will look at the results prior to deciding about requesting designs.

Ø    Tony Davis has been in contact with Gobin there is a proposal for $82 per ton a savings of $33 per ton over Keene.  The Selectmen voted to change Washington’s contribution for the transfer station from $775 to $545.  Washington has been very helpful with information and selling a compactor to the Town.  Selectmen have passed the savings gained from switching to self management of the Transfer Station to the Town of Washington.  A grant will be applied for to complete work on the roof and windows at the Town Office.

 Ø    NRRA emails reviewed

Ø    Payment received from Mabel Willis.

 Ø    CDFA grant for low income housing, no application at this time.

 Ø    Bill from Bradley and Faulkner approved in the amount of $540.

Ø    Selectmen discussed ambulance fees for Gilsum and Lempster taking a three year average of calls and coming up with a percentage for cost sharing.

 Ø    P.O. signed for defibrillator upgrade in the amount of $10,000.

 Ø    Ground water management application signed for DES for work with the dump closure.

Ø    Selectmen will be available on April 13, 2009 to receive inventory forms and comments

 Ø    PO signed in the amount of $433.18 for the purchase of snow plow edges.

Ø    Map 401 lot 13 application for current use signed.

 Ø    PDIP signed for $27,000

Ø    PDIP signed for $50,000.

Ø    Legislative bulletin reviewed and filed.

 Ø    US Cellular contract to be forwarded to Town Attorney for final review.

 Ø    Bob Allen to contact Barry Cox re: questions about personnel policy.

Ø    Meeting adjourned 9:20pm.